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Updated: Oct 2


2024, Tuesday, October 1st- October 7th:

Hello Capricorn. There’s a relationship really heavy on your mind this week. With the 2 of Cups energy crowning your reading, a possible soulmate connection is very, very heavy in your energy. You may need to gain clarity or understanding as to where a particular connection lies. With the 4 of Swords energy starting the week, you may need space or distance from someone. Removing your energy and choosing not to engage may be the route you choose to take, after experiencing heartache and disappointment within a connection. Spaces where forgiveness is needed require absence that can either make the heart grow fonder or give the distance needed to be out of sight and out of mind. Your obstacles may manifest as the 6 of Swords energy. You could be having a hard time moving on or getting something painful off your mind. Making a head over heart decision is necessary, but it doesn’t make processing the emotions any easier. Remembering that this decision was for the better and that there’s still so much more to come is the key to moving past this energy. You end the week in the 9 of Pentacles energy. You are doing your own thing and things are looking up. You are attractive and in a very abundant space. You may be on the receiving end of an offer, gift or unexpected income that allows for a possible break or spoils for yourself. You deserve it. You have been working hard, Capricorn. Use the space to heal and get your energy back. Great things are on the way!

Love Energy: ROMANTIC FEELINGS- (Your feelings are real and worth exploring.): You may have mixed emotions regarding a love connection right now. Rather than ignore your concerns, you need to explore them. You have valid reasoning as to why you feel the ways that you feel, and it is time to express and or act on those feelings. But before that, rationalize and be clear you aren't acting or speaking from ego or trauma. Holding back emotions or confusing them with fears will create more stagnation. Be open and vulnerable and allow yourself to process and feel.

Spirit Animal Advice: PARROT SPIRIT (45)- (Watch your words.): Be mindful of the words you speak, Capricorn. Words are extremely powerful, and your words can absolutely make or break the outcome to any and every situation you experience in your life. You may find yourself situations where you are tempted to say hurtful, harmful or untrue things out of impulse or emotion. Try to watch your words, as some connections may not be able to recover the damage of certain words you choose while you’re upset. 


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